The objective of this section is to introduce the students to the concepts & collaterals to the term project and help them formulate and solve a analytics problem
Although some of the material will be discussed and reviewed in the class; this is a ready recokner reference while under taking the term project
Students are expected to do their own research formulate strategies and use Python skills taught in the course to solve the problem
The idea is to mirror as closely as possible a real world experience in problem solving using Data Science
The Term Project is 30% weightage towards final grade
This is a individual project and you need to complete all component of the project to get credit for the project- 'All or Nothing'
3.2. Term Project Deliverables
A slide deck to be progressively built and presented on weeks- 7,11,15
Google colab notebook(s) with markdown content and execution code that actually executes without any error
Instructor's view on Collegial Feedback
Instructor's view on the quality of work
Quality of response to questions during presentation